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     Auto ID Technics


Mobile Data Terminals-MDT1000  

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  • UHF RFID Read and Write
  • 1D and 2D Barcode Scanning
  • Touch Screen (Resistive Type)
  • Signature Accept
  • GPRS based Communication
  • Wifi, Bluetooth, USB and Rs 232 Interface
  • Contactless IC Card Reader(Option)
  • Fingerprint Reader (Option)
  • GPS(Option)
  • Ip65 Rated

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  • RFID Read and Write
  • 1D and 2D Barcode Scanning
  • Touch Screen (Resistive Type)
  • Signature Accept
  • GPRS based Communication
  • Wifi, Bluetooth, USB and Rs 232 Interface
  • Contactless IC Card Reader(Option)
  • GPS(Option)
  • Ip65 Rated

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